IDN Talks
Open Lecture “On ChatGPT. Imperfect-by-design?”
27 MAR, 5.00 - 6.00 pm CET, online

The “Complex Artefact and System Design Studio” of the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano is proud to host a new open lectures on Interactive Digital Narrative, organised by Ilaria Mariani and Mariana Ciancia (Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano).
We are honoured to welcome Enzo María Le Fevre Cervini, “On ChatGPT. Imperfect-by-design?”
27 MAR, 5.00 - 6.00 pm CET
link to event
Is ChatGPT certainly imperfect-by-design when it can help us perform many of the tasks we carry out on a daily basis and allow us to easily find answers to many of our concerns?
The talk discusses how the core of the analysis and use of ChatGPT should not be limited or affected by its degree of reliability and security, but we should rather focus on its implications, strengths and weaknesses in order to understand what will happen to conversational agents in the coming years.
Enzo María Le Fevre Cervini. PhD in Public Policy. Master in Artificial Intelligence for Public Services. Head of the Collaborative Solutions Sector of the Department for Informatics of the European Commission. –– The views expressed by the author are strictly personal and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission
Check the report out:
The online lectures can be accessed upon registration on EventBrite.
Link to the room: (also forwarded before the event to those registered on EventBrite)