A series of events on sustainability and critical consumption

Book Presentation "Ecologia Digitale. Per una tecnologia al servizio di persone, società e ambiente"

13 maggio, 2024, 20.45 @ Cinema Teatro Filo, Piazza Filodrammatici, 4, Cremona

Stefana Broadbent, Associate Professor of the Department of Design, will present her book “Ecologia digitale. Per una tecnologia al servizio di persone, società e ambiente”, written in collaboration with other University professors, scholars, activists, technology experts, green entrepreneurs, journalists and published by Altreconomie.

The book explains how the digital revolution impacts climate, environment, workers, and society. It allows to understand and practice "critical consumption" of technology, designing a low-impact web, and preventing e-waste, for a clean, open, regenerative digital world.

The presentation is part of “Camminare su un filo di seta. Rigenerazione dell’ecosistema, crisi climatica, sostenibilità e consumo critico” event series organized by Cremona campus.