Care(ful) Design. An exploration of contemporary design boundaries
Design and care in data ecosystems
April 23, 2024, 5:45 pm, Polifactory, Building B3, Bovisa Campus, via Durando 10, Milan

The second event in the Care(ful) Design edition encourages us to reflect on the concept of care applied to data ecosystems, where sets of technologies, communities, bodies and values coexist. In what way bringing the lens of care to these ecosystems can help design to envision innovative and technological artifacts, spaces, and services that are inclusive, accessible and personalised?
We will explore this through a presentation of the book Quando i dati discriminano. Bias e pregiudizi in grafici, statistiche e algoritmi by Donata Columbro, Journalist, Writer and Populiser. This will be followed by a panel with Silvia Castellanza, Director of the Data Interoperability Area – Comune di Milano and Simona Chiodo, Full Professor in Philosophy – Politecnico di Milano.
The event will close with an open discussion between the audience and the panelists. An aperitivo will follow.
Design and care in data ecosystems is the second event of Care(ful) Design. An exploration of contemporary design boundaries, the second edition of Open Polifactory, an annual review of presentations, events, debates that address complex issues of contemporary design research, in order to build a comparison as popular and open as possible.
The review, curated and produced by Polifactory, the makerspace and fablab of the Politecnico di Milano, together with the Service Design research group and the Design Policy Lab, is addressed to professors, researchers and students of the Politecnico community, but also to citizens, designers, professionals and civil servants interested in exploring the advanced perspectives of design culture.
Event curated by Martina Carraro, Laura Cipriani, Erin McAuliffe.
To participate, it is necessary to register at this link.
5.45 - 6.00 p.m. | Registration
6.00 - 6.10 pm | Welcome and opening greetings
by Laura Cipriani, PhD Researcher - Politecnico di Milano
6.10 - 6.55 pm | Presentation of the book Quando i dati discriminano. Bias e pregiudizi in grafici, statistiche e algoritmi.
Donata Columbro, Journalist, Writer and Disseminator
6.55 - 7.30 pm | Panel: Design and care in data ecosystems
Donata Columbro, Journalist, Writer and Publisher
Silvia Castellanza, Director Data Interoperability Area - Municipality of Milan
Simona Chiodo, Professor of Philosophy - Politecnico di Milano
moderator Martina Carraro, PhD Researcher - Politecnico di Milano
7.30 - 7.45 pm | Open discussion
7.45 - 8.15 pm | Aperitivo
The event will be held in Italian.