Design Against War
Festival per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
October 14, 2022, Casa delle Associazioni e del Volontariato, via Marsala 10, Milan, Italy

We are pleased to invite you to the presentation event of the projects related to the Design Against War initiative, which will take place at the little garden of the Casa delle Associazioni e del Volontariato in Via Marsala 10, Milan. The exhibition will be open from October 12 to 21, and will present the projects received so far, becoming the setting for meetings, conversations, workshops and various initiatives.
Design Against War - DAW, is an international platform of initiatives and projects initiated by the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, together with the entire Polimi Design System, open to contributions from students and teachers from all design or related schools and universities.
Established in early March 2022 as a reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the platform has created a space to welcome design ideas expressed as simple concepts, material support initiatives, testimonies from practitioners and people, and workshops to imagine concrete solutions together with those working to alleviate the effects of the conflict.
Since the war in Ukraine, it has broadened its horizons to witness against any form of aggression.
All the material produced finds a home on a dedicated Instagram page which, to date, collects several dozen projects developed by several hundred students. The initiative is still open and active.
The exhibition is part of the events of the Festival of Sustainable Development 2022.
Opening hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 14: 15:00-18:00 project presentation event
Saturday, October 15: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 16: closed
Thanks to:
City of Milan - House of Associations and Volunteers
Refugees Welcome Italia Onlus
DAW initiatives have so far been facilitated by numerous people, among which:
Valentina Auricchio, Anna Barbara, Laura Galluzzo, Andrea Manciaracina, Anna Meroni, Ezio Manzini, Daniela Sangiorgi, Davide Fassi, Marina Parente, Francesco Zurlo (Politecnico di Milano); Paola Galdi, Barbara Casati, Raffaela Scognamiglio (; Daniela Bosia, Marco Bozzola, Guido Callegari, Doriana Dal Palù, Claudia De Giorgi, Beatrice Lerma, Tanja Marzi e Lorenzo Savio (Politecnico di Torino).
The project curatorship is by Anna Meroni (Politecnico di Milano).
Special thanks for the participation to: Alfredo Bosco, Croce Rossa Italiana, Emergency, Medici per i Diritti Umani, Refugees Welcome, Udesign.
Project manager: Nadia Pirovano (Polimi DESIS Lab)
Studenti volontari: Francesca Castioni, Gloria Gaggelli, Chiara Carovelli, Fabiana Marino, Greta Cappellini, Edoardo Ceriani, Francesco Nozza.
Allestimento: Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Design, Laboratorio Allestimenti “Paolo Padova” – Mattia Favalli, Mariano Chernicoff.
For further information: