EQUI06, Equità e Qualità per l'Infanzia
PENSARE 0-6: Results and perspectives of the research project dedicated to early childhood educational services
October 6, 2023, from 10:30 am, room B2.0.1, Bovisa Campus, via Durando 10, Milan

On Friday, October 6th, the final results of the Polisocial project “EQUI06, Equità e qualità per l'Infanzia” will be presented. The EQUI06 project was funded as part of the 2021 Polisocial Award Program at Politecnico di Milano and involved researcher Laura Galluzzo, Phd student Valentina Facoetti, and Post doc fellow Andrea Manciaracina from the Department of Design.
EQUI 0-6 focused on both vertical integration between preschool and school services and horizontal integration, meaning integration with the surrounding community, within the concept of an Educating Community. This particularly involved services and initiatives related to the 0-6 age group and their families.
The research and analysis activities were characterised by a multidisciplinary approach resulting from the collaboration of several departments of the Politecnico di Milano: the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), the Department of Design and the Department of Engineering Management (DIG).