Experimentation and dissemination activities in Basso Monferrato
Human Cities / SMOTIES: creative works with small and remote places
Saturday 22 July, 2023, from 10.30 a.m., Palazzo della ex società, Via Mazzini 47/49, Aramengo (AT) and Sunday 23 July, 2023, from 3.30 p.m., Giardino di Via Roma, Albugnano (AT)

The Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano is organising two days of experimentation and dissemination activities in Basso Monferrato for the research project "Human Cities / SMOTIES: creative works with small and remote places".
From 22 July, from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon, the Palazzo della Ex-Society will host the exhibition “43 visioni per il futuro del Basso Monferrato”, developed by 200 students from the Scuola del Design, the POLI.Design consortium of the Politecnico di Milano and the università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano..
The day of 23 July, starting at 3.30 p.m., will be dedicated to co-design workshops and storyplaying activities, where the Department will involve citizens in the development of design solutions for the use of the Giardino di via Roma in Albugnano, through experimentation of collective participatory design practices. It will also be possible to explore the territory of Albugnano and its surroundings, immersing oneself in a visit to unusual, hidden or forgotten places, guided by those who have a story to tell.