GovTech Connect Pitch Day will be held in the context of AI4Gov Open Event Madrid 2023
GovTech Connect Pitch Day
October 20, 2023, 11 am - 15:30 pm CEST, Online and in-person at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Calle de Alfonso XII, 3 y 5, 28014 Madrid, Spain

On Friday, October 20th, the GovTech Connect Pitch Day will be held in the context of AI4Gov Open Event Madrid 2023, dedicated to exploring the world of artificial intelligence in governance.
GovTech Connect Pitch Day is an opportunity to meet and connect with digital startups that are transforming the public sector and accelerating the green transition in Northern and Southern Europe.
Solutions range from sustainable sourcing, energy efficiency and sustainable tourism, to innovative ways for citizens to collaborate, aimed at encouraging inclusion and accessibility in the digitization of public services.
A space to network with GovTech experts, government officials and innovation leaders from across Europe.
GovTech Connect is a project funded by the European Commission and involves Intellera Consulting (coordinator), the Department of Design at Politecnico di Milano (Francesca Rizzo, Marzia Mortati, Ilaria Mariani, Giulia D'Aleo), PUBLIC, and The Lisbon Council.
The team have been conducting pioneering research, organizing entrepreneur boot camps, and providing design thinking toolkits. All of these efforts have contributed to the development of a comprehensive strategy for the European GovTech ecosystem.
Register here for free to attend online or in-person.