Il Paniere del Pellegrino
Presentation of the results of the Workshop "La Francigena e le vie del Gusto in Tuscia"

On Wednesday, April 12, the exhibition-event "Il Paniere del Pellegrino" was held at the Municipal Library of Acquapendente (VT), where the results of the workshop "La Francigena e le vie del Gusto in Tuscia," organized by the School of Design, Industrial Product Design course, in collaboration with the DMO La Francigena e le Vie del Gusto (A.A. 2021/2022) were presented.
The event, which was organized by Ivana Pagliara, Destination Manager, with staff from Promotuscia and CNA Association of Viterbo and Civitavecchia, was attended by Professor Venanzio Arquilla, coordinator of the course of study, workshop lecturer Setsu Ito and workshop tutor Federica Colombo.
During the event, four projects were presented and illustrated, selected among the 11 projects realised by the students of the Politecnico di Milano: CollectTuscia (Benedetta Carta, Beatrice Duina, Giuseppe Salerno, Bianca Traversa), Convivio (Laura Giordano, Giulio Davide Melis, Gilda Panico, Alessandro Tavini), Shad (Matteo Bricchi, Lorenzo Longieri, Samuele Tognarini) and Tuscia.Bag (Giulia Bazzi, Claudia Cerabona, Viola Ferrini, Arianna Pagano).
For each project, Viterbo artisan Roberta Pietrini made the respective prototypes.
Various institutional, business and local association representatives attended the event: Vittoria Severini from Visit Lazio, the Segretario Generale of Camera di Commercio Rieti e Viterbo, Francesco Monzillo, Virgilio Gai from Lazio Innova, the municipal administrations of Capranica with the mayor Pietro Nocchi, Cellere with the mayor Edoardo Giustiniani, Farnese with the mayor Giuseppe Ciucci, Gradoli with the assessor Polidori and council member Tognarini, Latera with the mayor Francesco Di Biagi, Lubriano with the mayor Valentino Gasparri, San Lorenzo Nuovo with the mayor Massimo Bambini, Tuscania with the assessor Stefania Nicolosi, Viterbo with the council member Francesca Sanna, Comunità Montana Alta Tuscia Laziale with Fabio Marco Fabbri, several representatives of companies and associations that are members of the DMO La Francigena e le Vie del Gusto in Tuscia, the directors of the Riserva Naturale di Monte Rufeno and Riserva Naturale Selva del Lamone.
Photo: DMO La Francigena e le Vie del Gusto