Indie magazines for social change
Belonging/Not Belonging
Friday 17 November, 2023, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., La Stecca 3 - Centro socioculturale, Via Gaetano De Castillia 26, Milan

The exhibition "Belonging/Not Belonging. Indie magazines for social change" returns a path of research and project in the field of editorial translation carried out within the Complex Artifacts and System Design Lab section C1, led by Professors Elena Caratti, Francesco Scagliarini with Sara Lavazza, of the Master's Degree in Communication Design course.
Belonging/Not Belonging systematizes nine independent magazines that, starting from the common theme of "belonging/non-belonging," fit into different areas of the contemporary social context: economics, politics, education, health, welfare, environmentalism, human rights, identity.
If the sense of belonging is at the basis of the search for a personal or collective identity, a possibility of integration or collaboration with others, the sense of non-belonging is equally significant because, while it is linked to phenomena of social exclusion and marginalization, at the same time it can be the driving force behind a series of creative practices that expand the concept of identity, group or social community, producing new meanings and collaborative practices.
The aim of the exhibition is to create an open, polyphonic and inclusive shared space that invites confrontation, critical reflection and the sharing of experiences.