IV International Conference on Interiors and Exhibit Design
Crossroads Incroci
27-28-29 September, 2023, Politecnico di Torino, Aula Magna del Lingotto, Via Nizza 230, Turin

Crossroads Incroci is an event that intends to focus on the nature and future of "crossroads" between knowledge as well as on virtuous relationships that have given rise to disciplinary crossroads achieving significant and meaningful results.
Another aspect that will characterise the conference is that of best practices, to be understood as real and realised cases that bear witness not only to professional and artistic excellence, but also to scientific and methodological insight and innovation.
A further aspect that will be analysed and discussed during the conferences is that of the network of archives. In fact, it is considered important to promote the initiation of a process of networking of archival archives accessible online. On the one hand, this means building relationships between existing and already available archives, on the other hand, it means encouraging the ordering and sharing of archives of previous but unstructured formation, or newly formed archives such as, for example, a national discipline archive, which can also contain the products of disciplinary crossings and encroachments.