L'avanguardia dell'architettura e del design spaziale
Visioni Politecniche
October 26, 2022, 6 p.m., Aula Magna, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Milan

We invite you to attend the seminar "L'avanguardia dell'architettura e del design spaziale" held by Annalisa Dominoni and Benedetto Quaquaro, professors of Space Design of the Department of Design.
What does it mean to design for Space and what does it imply? Confinement and reduced gravity are the new conditions experienced by astronauts-in the transition that brings them to the International Space Station-that affect every aspect of living and working outside of Earth.
Architects and designers are called upon to "shape" a whole new world that they can only imagine because it is not part of our everyday experience, with the goal of increasing crew performance and well-being.
It takes a great capacity for "use foresight " that is articulated in "use and gesture design" in which the design of environments, equipment, and products is closely related to how a space in which there is no longer a high and low, or left and right, or how an object will be used in microgravity, will be enjoyed.
In just a few years of space exploration, design has taken on a priority and strategic role, thanks to the development of the private sector that wants to sell us "the dream," made up of extraordinary experiences that we can design, and in which in addition to safety and comfort, "sensory aspects" become paramount.
Accompanying us on this journey into Space are Annalisa Dominoni and Benedetto Quaquaro, founders of "Space4InspirAction," the first and only Space Design laboratory in the Department of Design recognized and supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), and professors of the course of the same name within the Master of Science in Integrated Product Design at the School of Design.
To participate, you must register at the following link: https://www.eventi.polimi.it/events/visioni-politecniche-lavanguardia-dellarchitettura-e-del-design-spaziale/