La temporaneità tra la dimensione domestica dello spazio pubblico e la dimensione pubblica dello spazio privato
BookCity Milano 2023
Thursday November 16, 2023, 6 pm, Off Campus Nolo, Viale Monza 54, Milan

On the occasion of BookCity Milano 2023, the Off Campus Nolo space hosts a reflection on the theme of temporary living and the relationship between domestic space and public space with Laura Galluzzo, Researcher at the Department of Design and author of the book Con-temporary living: Unexpected Housing Solutions in Public Spaces, published by Maggioli Editore.
The event will delve into the meaning of temporary living, with particular attention to the types of relationships that temporary housing solutions establish with their surroundings and, specifically, with the public space in which they are located.
The dialogue will involve some designers of the cases presented in the book and experts on the theme of temporary living, such as Giovanni Hanninen, photographer, and Paola Savoldi, Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at the Politecnico di Milano.
To attend the event, please register here. .