Laboratorio Carcere
ACTS – A Chance Through Sport
Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 7:30 p.m., Project Room, PAC Milan

We are pleased to announce that on Saturday, October 8, starting at 7:30 p.m., there will be the opening of the exhibition "Laboratorio Carcere," which will be hosted in the Project Room of the PAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea from October 9 to November 6.
During the opening, there will be a projection of a short documentary dedicated to the research project, partly filmed in the spaces of the Design Department, and the pilot episode of the podcast series written together with the inmates of Bollate Prison, where the pilot project was developed.
The exhibition documents the activities of the two-year project ACTS - A Chance Through Sport, co-funded by Polisocial Award 2019, a project conducted in the Prison of Bollate that aims to highlight the importance and value that sport takes on in confined spaces, reflecting on the theme of prison space and its conditions of habitability, with the goal of change and transformation. In fact, this is an Italian civil emergency to which effective answers have so far failed to be given, despite the daily commitment of the managers and operators of the Prison Administration and third sector subjects active in the multiple Italian prison realities.
The aim of the project is to interweave two problematic aspects of the prison environment, the "quantitative" and "qualitative" aspects, sharing the tools of the project to imagine, together with the inhabitants, places and initiatives dedicated to the relationship between detained people, with operators, visitors, relatives and even with themselves. Practices and spaces appropriate to the "resocializing" and "empowering" role of the prison institution and its facilities are thus hypothesized through experiments conducted within the perimeter of existing possibilities.
Edited by
Andrea Di Franco, Francesca Piredda, Mariana Ciancia, Marianna Frangipane, Chiara Ligi and Gianfranco Orsenigo.
Politecnico di Milano: Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), Department of Design.
Free entry.
More information available on the website of PAC and on the Facebook page of ACTS