The Light Art docuseries

We present LUCES, the first webseries dedicated to Light Art. Thirteen episodes to discover thirteen artists of light. The docuseries, conceived and coordinated by Light Art curator Gisella Gellini and director Cecilia Brianza, was made by the students of the Light and Colour between Art and Design course at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano.
"I felt it was important for the students to visit the studios of the Light Art artists, and to have the opportunity to hold in-depth and comprehensive talks with them, in order to directly understand their spirit and technique. I also asked them to document the highlights of their encounters by summarising what they had perceived. Only in this way could the subject matter of my course be one of the inspirations for their professional activity,' says Gisella Gellini.
From these meetings, the students made documentaries, lasting 10-15 minutes, on thirteen light artists: Nino Alfieri, Carlo Bernardini, Marco Brianza, LeoNilde Carabba, Fabrizio Corneli, Nicola Evangelisti, Alessandro Lupi, Federica Marangoni, Vincenzo Marsiglia, Pietro Pirelli, Sebastiano Romano, Paolo Scirpa and Massimo Uberti.
"The students, working in groups, took care of all phases of the video production. To enable the students to do a good job, we held a photography class during the course in collaboration with the Milan Polytechnic's Image Lab. It was certainly an exciting project, in just a few minutes they managed to tell the story of the work of some artists by highlighting their light installations. It was a very stimulating job for me, I followed the students step by step, giving valuable directing and editing advice and trying to convey my passion for the seventh art,' comments Cecilia Brianza.
Episodes of the docuseries LUCES will be published on the YouTube @LucesLightArt channel starting from Thursday 2 March 2023.
More info:
Episode 1 - 2 March
Nino Alfieri - Light in Transformation
a documentary by Chiara Brambilla, Gianluca Delledonne, Giulia Pietracaprina
Episode 2 - 9 March
Carlo Bernardini - The Trajectories of Light
a documentary by Alice Biancardi, Giovanni Campitelli, Diego Valle
Episode 3 - 16 March
Marco Brianza - Programming Light
a documentary by Giulia Muscatelli, Sara Serra, Ilaria Veronese
Episode 4 - 23 March
LeoNilde Carabba - 84 years of colour
a documentary by Giulia Colli, Antonino Ponzo, Sara Ubertosi
Episode 5 - 30 March
Fabrizio Corneli - Shadows turned into works of art
a documentary by Jacopo Guidobono, Diego Spartà
Episode 6 - 6 April
Nicola Evangelisti - Sculptural light
a documentary by Emanuela Adduci, Nergis Ayik, Leonardo Barciulli
Episode 7 - 13 April
Alessandro Lupi - Fragments of light
a documentary by Danilo Carmelo De Paola, Giorgia Forloni, Francesca Trentani
Episode 8 - 20 April
Federica Marangoni - Light as a trace
a documentary by Julie Aractingi, Anna Giulia Campiotti, Letizia Gagliano, Francesco Vergni
Episode 9 - 27 April
Vincenzo Marsiglia - The man who saw the stars
a documentary by Viviana Galloni, Tuya Messaggio, Serena Volontè
Episode 10 - 4 May
Pietro Pirelli - Mi illumino di suono
a documentary by Marta Lamanna, Alessandro Pedriali, Annachiara Terrone
Episode 11 - 11 May
Sebastiano Romano - Un'opera teatrale
a documentary by Alberto Baù, Alejandra González, Luisa Uscátegui
Episode 12 - 18 May
Paolo Scirpa - Inner Infinity
a documentary by Alberto Benagli, Michele Fazio, Giovanni Giunchi
Episode 13 - 25 May
Massimo Uberti - Places for Poetic Inhabitants
a documentary by Elisa Cipolla, Sara Muzzolon, Ludovica Regalin