Menzione d’Onore for the 12/13 issue of "AIS/Design Journal. Storia e Ricerche", entitled "Social Design. Design e 'bene comune'"

Compasso d'Oro Award 2022 

June, 20, ADI Design Museum

It is with great excitement that we announce that issue 12/13 of "AIS/Design Journal. Storia e Ricerche", entitled "Social Design. Design e 'bene comune'" was awarded with a Menzione d’Onore during the Compasso d'Oro 2022 awards ceremony.

The editorial proposes an innovative view on the study of history, which thus becomes a critical tool for understanding the present through an innovative approach compared to traditional historiography.

Edited by Marinella Ferrara, Francesco E. Guida, Chiara Lecce and Mario Piazza - Department of Design - Politecnico di Milano - (with Raimonda Riccini and Paola Proverbio).

To view the editorial: