Next Now
Design for Social Innovation in Business Culture
October 27-28, 2022 at Circolo del Design, Via San Francesco da Paola 17, Turin

Polimi DESIS Lab invites you to participate in the event "Next Now. Design for Social Innovation in Business Culture" where five business-related themes will be addressed such as: capacity, environment, diversity, workers, proximity.
Two days of discussion and training aimed at designers, companies, researchers and students to delve into how design can be a concrete ally of companies to produce social innovation and a tool to activate, support and guide change processes in response to the current socio-environmental challenges.
The protagonists of these two days will be entrepreneurs, who will present successful national and local case studies, designers, who through testimonies and training workshops will show the tools of design useful to businesses that want to innovate and act for conscious change, and economists, who will frame the proposed themes in the current scenario by providing tools for evaluating social impact.
"Next now" is a project of the Circolo del Design
Supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and Iren
With the scientific partnership of the Polimi DESIS Lab, and with the collaboration of the Department of Architecture and Design of the Politecnico di Torino
In collaboration with Torino Social Impact and Unione Industriali Torino.
Program available at the following link
Book sessions on Eventbrite
For more information see the website of the Circolo del Design