Off Campus Polimi at Forum Economia Urbana 2024
Mercati e territorio, tra tradizione e nuovi modelli
February 16, 2024, from 9:30 am to 11:00 am, Milano Luiss Hub, via D’Azeglio, 3, Milan

On February 16, during the second day of the Forum Economia Urbana 2024 of the Municipality of Milan, the meeting “Mercati e territorio, tra tradizione e nuovi modelli" will take place, with the participation of Davide Fassi Full Professor from the Department of Design among the speakers, to discuss the topic of local markets.
The meeting will focus on these markets, both covered and street markets, which are among the most consolidated shopping places for Milanese residents, and on their adaptation over time to respond to emerging macro trends in demand.
The Forum Economia Urbana 2024 of the Municipality of Milan will focus on the theme of Proximity Economy, with three days of debates and testimonies, in collaboration with local institutions and sector organizations, to understand the present and future of urban economic activities.
Full program attached.
Davide Fassi, Full Professor of the Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano
Alessia Cappello, Councillor for Economic Development and Labour
Giacomo Errico, President of Apeca Confcommercio
Maurizio Vailati, Anva Confesercenti
Nicola Zaffra, Director of Mercato Ortofrutticolo di Milano - Foody So.Ge.Mi
Sergio Monfrini, President of Consorzio Mercato Morsenchio
Carmine Laganà, Administrator of Mediolana Mercato Isola
Paolo Seris, Director of Area Attività commerciali e Sportello Unico per Attività Produttive