One big Europe or many small nations? Eight meetings on the challenges that only a more united Europe can overcome
Per una politica europea di ricerca ed innovazione
April 22, 2024, 6:30 pm @ Teatro Franco Parenti, via Pier Lombardo 14 Milan

Research underpins the governance of major transitions - climate, technology, health and food. But it is also the driving force behind the creation of new enterprises and economic development. What policies are needed to strengthen Europe as a scientific power?
These issues will be discussed in the meeting "For a European research and innovation policy", part of a series of meetings organised by the group Milan per Renew Europe, dedicated to the major policies that will determine the future of European citizens and their children.
Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament, rapporteur on behalf of the European Parliament for the AI Act
Giuseppe Donvito, Partner at P101 Venture and ITA President
Alberto Onetti, President of Mind the bridge
Francesca Rizzo, delegate professor for European research projects of Politecnico di Milano
Paola Testori Coggi, Federated Innovation Ambassador at MIND - Milano Innovation District
The meeting will be moderated by Silvia Pugi.
To participate it is necessary to register at this link.
Free admission for students and professors with accreditation by e-mail to for universities.