Presentazione del libro "1993. Il tentativo di reinventare lo Stato. Attualità e prospettive di una riforma"
Incontri Polimi
March 7, 2024, 6:00 pm, Aula Magna, Leonardo Campus, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, Milan
Maurizio Sacconi and Francesco Verbaro meet Mariano Corso, Professor of Leadership and Innovation at the Politecnico di Milano, to present the book "1993. Il tentativo di reinventare lo Stato. Attualità e prospettive di una riforma" as part of the Incontri Polimi, the new series of events at the Politecnico di Milano where figures from the world of culture, fashion, politics, entertainment, sports, and philosophy engage in dialogue with the faculty to highlight the close relationship between art and science, creativity and technology.
In the book, Maurizio Sacconi and Francesco Verbaro reconstruct the context, content, legacy, and possibilities for revitalizing a courageous attempt to reinvent the fragile Italian state according to the model of business sciences. Many potentially revolutionary principles were introduced and placed at the center of the reform attempt, such as the need for separation between political direction and administrative implementation, or the autonomy and responsibility of leadership; the spread of analytical economic accounting for cost centers; digital reengineering and the use of big data; "privatization" of labor relations; labor relations based on the concept of a "good employer."
The authors reflect on what remains of this attempt today, what barriers were encountered, how current the needs identified at that time still are, and how to give new impetus to this reform action, taking into account the new context in terms of priorities and available tools.
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