Salone del Mobile 2022
6-12 June, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano

On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2022, Froy and the KnitDesign Research Group of the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano present, at Fabbrica del Vapore, an innovative and inclusive project aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues.
Psycoknit aims to be an individual and choral experience that leads to consciousness and reflection on post-Covid-19 interpersonal relationships.
Starting from the Knit Therapy theories and through innovative technologies and techniques related to the world of knitwear,
Froy and the KnitDesign Research Group propose a project that looks forward, involving the visitor in the present and projecting him on an emotional and sensorial journey thanks to knitwear.
The Psycoknit project has been conceived, designed and developed by Froy
Arman Avetikyan
Beatrice Casalini
Marta Casu
KnitDesign Research Group - Design Department of Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Giovanni Maria Conti
Dr. Martina Motta
Dr. Rachele Didero
Dr. Giulia Lo Scocco
Special thanks to
For welcoming the project - Fabbrica del Vapore, Comune di Milano
Adversarial Image processing - Prof. Giacomo Boracchi, Dr. Andrea Deretti Dr. Loris Giulivi, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano
External software consultants - Marcello Chiesa, Dr. Sandro Sartoni
Design support - Mattia Marzorati, Arch. Eugenio Chironna
Artwork - Carlo Manzo
Sounds - Andromeda in Catene
Sponsored by
Production - Shima Seiki Italia S.p.A.
Yarns - Lanificio dell’Olivo S.p.A. , Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia S.p.A. , Filmar S.p.A.
Jersey - Colombo Industrie Tessili S.r.l.
Coating - Windtex Vagotex S.p.A.
Textile flooring - Eco Contract + Eco Design S.r.l.
Uniforms - Società Manifattura Tessile S.M.T.