Safety training of Department’s Design Labs System
Safety Weeks 2022-2023

To access the Laboratori Didattici del Dipartimento di Design, it is mandatory to be trained in safety. User trainings for all students consist of two steps:
1. To pass the Online Course on Safety in the Department’s of Design Laboratories.
The Online Course on Safety in the Department of Design Laboratories allows access to the Immagine laboratory (No training is provided to Communication Design students). It is available by accessing the student’s personal page on the site Services Online – Data - Training Courses - Safety Courses - Online Course on Safety in the Department’s of Design Laboratories.
2. Practical training at the Laboratories, booking by APP, content and verification in presence
After passing the On-Line Course you can take the training for Moda and/or Allestimenti/Prototypes Lab (ita - eng): registration via Affluences App, open from mid-September.
Download the APP, select the institute concerned (Fashion Lab or Exhibits or Prototypes), select education - basic safety training. Show up with closed shoes, a passport photo and ID.
First year students of Moda, Interni and Prodotto courses are not required to book training by APP, there is a schedule for them that will be communicated by mail. At the end of the training will be delivered an ID card.
Students of Communication Design will be able to pick up their badges on 20/09 from 9:15 am to 1:15 pm or 28/09 from 2:15 pm to 6:15 pm at the Immagine Lab.