Seminars 2024
Design Futures
From February 19 to March 11, 2024, online and Bovisa Campus, Via Candiani 72, Milan

Last week marked the beginning of the cycle of online public seminars, organized by Marita Canina and Manuela Celi, Associate Professors of the Design Department, within the "Design Futures" course of Integrated Product Design.
During the course, students will address issues related to anticipation through different paths: IP1 students will take on the role of the "Ministry for the Future", while the international class of IP2 will focus on Design Fiction applied to "Pluriversal Design Futures", exploring current trends and developments, imagining possible future scenarios, and identifying opportunities to make these futures actionable.
Throughout the seminars, guests from academic, institutional, and professional backgrounds, working in various areas related to the future, including design, politics, education, art, and technology, share their experiences and insights with students, discussing the role of design in shaping the future.
Complete program attached.