Seminars on Participatory Design
Il giovedì di Off Campus Nolo
Off Campus Nolo, Mercato Comunale di Viale Monza 54, Milan

A cycle of seminars that will cover four thematic areas drawn from the Neighbourhood Vocabulary, a Participatory Design project carried out with the community of Nolo with the aim of stimulating discussions among the citizens themselves to narrate the cultural and social transformation underway. The Vocabulary is divided into 9 keywords chosen by the citizens themselves (Public Space, Degradation, Common Good, Sense of Belonging, Memory, Fun, Change, Commitment and Nolo) and recounts the different points of view expressed by the various contributions, bringing out possible future actions, activities and projects.
- 14 March - 1st Meeting: The changing neighbourhood. Challenges and opportunities of urban transformation. In dialogue with: Alessandro Coppola, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies; Demetrio Scopelliti, Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente Territorio; Luca Rossetti, Cooperativa Comin and Rete Qubì Loreto.
During the first seminar "The changing neighbourhood. Challenges and opportunities of urban transformation" the transformative dynamics taking place in Nolo will be examined in depth, analysing how ongoing projects can influence the daily lives of its inhabitants. The complex process of redevelopment in the neighbourhood can determine accessibility to basic services, condition the dynamics of coexistence in the area, and trigger various phenomena of inclusion and exclusion, especially affecting the most fragile categories. Together with our guests we will explore how the constant expansion of the city of Milan is influencing this process, trying to understand the current situation of a neighbourhood in continuous transformation
- 28 March - 2nd Meeting: Public Space in the Neighbourhood. Accessibility, fruition and mobility. In dialogue with: Daniele Villa, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies; Diego Terna, Quinzii Terna Architecture; Daniele Leso, Associazione Genitori Ciresola.
During the second meeting "Public Space in the Neighbourhood. Accessibility, fruition and mobility" we will explore with our guests the role of public spaces in Nolo. Starting with some reflections by the inhabitants of the neighbourhood on respect for public space as a common good, on the need to create inclusive and accessible social places for all, and on the issue of collective responsibility in preserving and enhancing existing spaces, we will explore the issues of fruition, accessibility and mobility within the neighbourhood.
- 11 April - 3rd Meeting: Tools and modalities of participation. How to engage for the common good. In dialogue with: Laura Galluzzo, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design; Gaia Romani, City of Milan, Councillor for Participation; Desiré Musumeci, Active Citizen.
The third meeting "Tools and modalities of participation. How to engage for the common good" will investigate the active role of citizens and communities in social and urban transformation processes. Starting from some reflections of neighbourhood inhabitants, participatory experiences, practices and tools will be explored thanks to the contribution of our guests.
- 16 May - 4th Meeting: The multi-species space. New frontiers for coexistence. In dialogue with: Elisa Giaccardi, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design; Diego Pessina, Contemplative Botanist; Franco Beccari, Circolo Legambiente Reteambiente Milano.
During the fourth meeting "The multi-species space. New frontiers for coexistence" we will investigate with our guests the active role of plants and other life forms within the urban context. Starting with some scenarios hypothesised by the inhabitants of the neighbourhood and some reflections, we will explore the concept of "more-than-human" and how we can design in a more inclusive way, taking into account all living (and nonliving) beings that share space with us.