SPAZIO Q?! Opening Festival
October 20, 2024, Parco dei Triangoli, Via Adolfo Omodeo, 29, Milan

On October 20, 2024, the inaugural festival of SPACE Q?! will take place, animated by a series of initiatives involving citizens, local associations, artists, project partners and the support network.
SPAZIO Q?! is a new public space for conviviality, sociability and expression in the Triangles Park, in Gallaratese, created as part of THE QUEER CITY, a project by Polimi DESIS Lab of the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano, developed in partnership with ALA Milano Onlus and Fondazione LILA Milano ETS, thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione di Comunità Milano, with the support of a network composed of the 9 municipalities of the City of Milan and 8 LGBTQIA+ associations (Agedo, CIG Arcigay Milano, Famiglie Arcobaleno, GayMiN Out, Nina's Drag Queens - Aparte, PoliHERo, Poliedro, Pride Sport Milano).
SPAZIO Q?! is also realized in synergy with the path of regeneration of the area promoted by the network of signatories of the cooperation pact that exists since 2021 in Triangle Park between the City of Milan, Argót Aps, SpazioTempo Aps, Atelier delle Verdure, ASD Polisportiva Garegnano 1976 and Cooperativa Sociale Nuova Umanità Onlus, in dialogue with the community of associations and active citizens already present in the neighborhood.
THE QUEER CITY, and consequently SPACE Q?!, grew out of the work done in the “Temporary and Inclusive Urban Solutions” (TIUS) course at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano, in which the partners and support network were involved in a co-design process with the students to design nine installations (one for each municipality) for a plural public space. Thanks to the funding received, from this experience it was possible to create an installation starting with the projects of students Thi Lanh Peruzy and Samuele Cellura (respectively “What's in the Closet?” and “Q!? Questioning Queerness) and activate SPAZIO Q?!, with the aim of promoting civic awareness on issues related to queer and feminist instances even outside the traditional ‘gayborhood,’ going outside the boundaries of Porta Venezia and intervening in less central areas of the city.
The program is full of events and workshops for all ages related to the LGBTQIA+ transfeminist world: moments of exchange and listening, informative banquets, cultural events, quizzes and interactive activities, games and sports, workshops, drag theater, DJ sets.
Full program attached.