Storytelling. Esperienze e comunicazione del Cultural Heritage
Inter-university workshop
27 October 2022, 2 p.m., Carlo De Carli Lecture Hall, Campus Bovisa-Durando, Milan

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the inter-university workshop "Storytelling. Esperienze e comunicazione del Cultural Heritage", promoted by Professor Paola Cordera, which will be held in Bologna (26 October and 14 November), Milan (27 October) and Paris (6 December).
In the context of Cultural Heritage and Museums, storytelling, capable of narration by stimulating sensibility and reason, makes it possible to involve the public more easily by proposing experiences that can be transformed into personal or collective memory heritage.
Storytelling can adopt complex and sometimes complementary forms and tools, and the narrative - expository, verbal, visual, digital - addressed to an individual or an entire community can be composed thanks to multiple elements and techniques that have evolved over time. A narrative system that arouses empathy, possibly capable of involving spaces and bodies in an immersive experience, can achieve results that complement the traditional visit to museums and monuments by creating sharing or involvement. In this way storytelling participates in the most current challenges of Cultural Heritage regarding inclusion, equity and sustainability, but also - according to a more specific dimension - the preservation of tangible and intangible culture or landscape.
Technological research has also contributed to giving a new impetus to storytelling whose scenarios and horizons of intervention have largely expanded thanks to audiovisual and digital: more and more often museums, archaeological sites or cities of art tell about themselves, their collections, their urban and anthropological context also thanks to virtual and augmented reality, or hybrid technical solutions. Culture, whether material or immaterial, thus becomes a 'semiophore element' that accompanies people towards the intelligence and interpretation of the art, or archaeological or historical past and, through these, to an understanding of themselves and others. The international research of which the workshop is the final outcome analysed forms, tools and techniques of storytelling in favour of museums and Cultural Heritage according to an interdisciplinary conception and with the participation of art historians, archaeologists, museologists, architects and jurists.
The Milan session will take place on 27 October 2022 in the Carlo De Carli lecture hall, Campus Bovisa-Durando, starting at 14.00 and will be streamed at the following link.
For more information see the full programme