Synesthesia: Science and Art
The digital / physical challenge
26-29 October 2022, University of Granada

The University of Granada, the International Foundation Artecittá, and the Politecnico di Milano, have collaborated jointly in the organization of the 7th International Congress on Synesthesia: Science and Art, for the purpose of showing and exploring the advancements made by European experts and American investigators o great prestige, in each of the numerous aspects of synesthesia.
The interdisciplinary focus of the Conference that we present enables all those interested to approach a territory as exciting as the one that occupies us, being especially directed towards neurologists, psychologists, artists, linguists, art historians, designers, musicians, educators and investigators of sensory disabilities, students and synesthetes of all categories.
Conference Chairs: M. Josè De Cordoba (University of Granada) and Dina Riccò (Politecnico di Milano)
Program and Info: