Salone del Mobile 2022

On the occasion of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2022, the Design System of Politecnico di Milano - School of Design, Department of Design and - enhances and promotes creativity and design by organising and participating in various events.
The Polimi Design System organises three main initiatives, developed in three significant and strategic poles of the city - Campus Durando Bovisa Politecnico, Fiera Rho and Salone Satellite - with the aim of highlighting projects and creative processes of the students, the real protagonists of our Academy.
The three exhibition points are connected through the declination of the values suggested by the New European Bauhaus, i.e. sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion, values that then suggested the title, declined for each pole, of the three initiatives:
«*beautiful, sustainable, together @ POLIMI DESIGN »
27 May at 13.30 - Opening
27 May - 22 July 2022 (Sundays excluded)
from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Politecnico di Milano - Ed. B2 - Campus Bovisa
via Durando 10 - Milano
Design X Designers is a large exhibition of projects from the whole Design System of Politecnico di Milano: School of Design, Department of Design and
The exhibition highlights multiple design sectors: from industrial product to fashion, from interior and furniture design to communication, without excluding services, brand and strategy, transportation and design engineering. The exhibition covers 1500 square metres and includes project boards, models, prototypes and full-scale installations.
From digital to digitALL
7 June - 12 June 2022
from 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Salone del Mobile
Fiera Milano, Rho
Again this year the Design System of Politecnico di Milano, School of Design, Department of Design and, will be present, together with other Milanese Design Academies, at the Salone del Mobile.
The Design System will present its didactic and educational offer and its research and service opportunities through this interactive exhibition that will see the involvement and engagement of visitors.
The public will find, and be able to collaborate with, students and collaborators of the School and Department who will be grappling with the realisation and finalisation of a physical object linked to the book in its primitive, analogue form.
The book and its reading, here present with fundamental and founding titles of the history of national and international design, will involve and accompany the visitor who, together with technicians, professors and students of the Design System of the Politecnico di Milano, will be able to experiment, listen and create.
On the occasion of the 2022 edition of the Salone Satellite, the School of Design, together with the Polimi Design System, invited Prof. Ico Migliore to curate the institutional space of the School, involving the young collaborators of the Migliore+Servetto Architects studio. The Politecnico design talents, recognised with prizes and mentions over the past four years, were called upon to tell their stories through prototypes and projects. The final result is a heterogeneous but harmonious scenario, a story of design experiments that become reality also thanks to the contribution of a School that has prepared and continues to train designers who find their place in very different fields, ready to unveil, with success, these talents!
We list other initiatives, which will take place during the week of Salone del Mobile, involving researchers from the Department of Design.
9 June from 3pm to 8pm.
Centro di Ricerca Gianfranco Ferrè
via Tortona 37 , 20144 Milano
Professors Paola Bertola e Federica Vacca
On the occasion of the Fuorisalone2022, the Politecnico di Milano opens the doors of the Gianfranco Ferré Research Center located within the “Tortona 37” complex, designed by Matteo Thun in 2002.
The Gianfranco Ferré Research Center, Digital Innovation for Creative and Cultural Industries was established in December 2021 by the Politecnico di Milano following the donation of the Ferré family of the archive and the headquarters of the historic Gianfranco Ferré Foundation.
Under the coordination of the Fashion in Process Research Laboratory of the Design Department, the Research Center intends to systematize the technical-scientific know-how and the culture of the project characterizing the identity of the Politecnico di Milano with the related tangible and intangible heritage to the history, culture and techniques of fashion preserved and enhanced by the Gianfranco Ferré Foundation since 2008.
It will be possible to visit the space of the former Foundation designed by the architect Franco Raggi, and learn about the precious archive recognized as a heritage of “particular cultural interest” by the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali – Soprintendenza Archivistica per la Lombardia, which has become part of the Historical Archives system of the Politecnico di Milano.
Researchers from the Politecnico di Milano will guide visitors into the archive among more than 150,000 documents and artifacts such as sketches, technical drawings, photos, clothes and accessories, objects, books, magazines, films, press reviews, writings, lessons and notes of the stylist.
Admission is free upon registration at the following link
5-12 June, Viale Vittorio Veneto, 2, 20124 Milano MI c/o MEET Digital Culture Center.
For the upcoming Salone del Mobile, MEET presents Tomorrow Living - a project co-created with Huawei, curated by Robert Thieman of Frame.
The exhibition will present a 4-chapter docuseries featuring interviews with thirty of the world's most influential designers, architects, artists and scientists who have expressed their visions of a future in which the most advanced digital technology will be ubiquitous and fluidly embedded in our everyday lives. A technology that will help our everyday life by allowing our habitat to be more human by responding to our practical, emotional needs of community and sustainability.
To complete the project, the immersive site-specific installation The global home by Space Popular will be presented for the duration of the Salone.
Project directed by Huawei Milan Aesthetic Research Center
Research conducted by Robert Thiemann - Frame
Educational partner: Politecnico di Milano
6-12 June
Prof. Giovanni Maria Conti
On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2022, Froy and the KnitDesign Research Group of the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano present an innovative and inclusion project aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues.
Psycoknit aims to be an individual and choral experience that leads to awareness and reflection on post-Covid-19 interpersonal relationships.
Starting from the theories of Knit Therapy and through innovative technologies and techniques related to the world of knitwear, Froy and the KnitDesign Research Group propose a project aimed at the future, involving the visitor in the present, projecting them on an emotional and sensorial journey through the sweater.
The goal of the installation is twofold: on the one hand, to highlight mental health problems, highlighting the altered dynamics that the global pandemic situation has generated. On the other hand, suggesting solutions, such as greater attention to listening to the other and becoming aware of one's self, in order to be able to create a new way of being together to find each other as a community.
With a "surreal" approach and projecting the visitor into a playful dimension, the project aims to emphasize the importance and seriousness with which mental health problems should be addressed, especially in this historical moment.
Partners: Shima Seiki Italia S.p.A, Lanificio dell’Olivo S.p.A, Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia S.p.A., Filmar S.p.A., Colombo Industrie Tessili S.r.l, Windtex Vagotex S.p.A., Eco Contract + Eco Design S.r.l., Società Manifattura Tessile S.M.T.
7 - 12 June
Fondazione Brodolini, Via Massimo D'Azeglio, 3, 20154 Milano MI
Professor Annalisa Dominoni
The event/exhibition “SPACE DESIGN FOR NEW HUMAN BEINGS” aims to present the strategic role of DESIGN FOR SPACE, that acts as a bridge between science, technology, and beauty looking beyond functionality and human factors toward the human senses and sustainable aspects to live in space to increase well-being and sustainability, in particular enhancing inclusivity through co-design and participatory experience.
Supported by European Space Agency (ESA)
Partners: Focus magazine, Tolo Green, Hackability
9 June, 6 pm- 9 pm, Copernico Milano Centrale, 38 Via Copernico, Milano
Professors Stefano Maffei, Raffaella Scognamiglio
Fuorisalone 2022 // - Politecnico di Milano and Service Innovation Academy present the 6th edition of Rethink! Service Design Stories, the first Italian festival dedicated to service design and innovation.
Rethink! Service Design Stories is the first Italian festival dedicated to Service Design and innovation topics aimed at building a public arena where experts, companies, public institutions can meet, discuss and create new ideas and networks. The festival, born in 2017, is organized and promoted by - Politecnico di Milano and is now in its 6th edition.
Today, the myths of continuous growth, the democratisation of comfort, the condition of extreme uncertainty, connote the so-called Risk Society. In this ever-changing scenario of uncertainty, the distinction between service design and systemic design increasingly disappears, making it necessary to include long-term effects already in the service design process. The need to anticipate potentially negative externalities makes it necessary to rethink the research, education and learning practices of service design itself. This implies enriching its methodological and design contribution, an implementation capable of including an impact assessment going beyond the classical customer satisfaction processes and rethinking business models to react positively to the unpredictability in which we act and live.
See the updated programme at
Partner: Copernicus
9 June, OFF CAMPUS Nolo - Mercato Comunale, Viale Monza 54
Professors: Davide Fassi, Ambra Borin
"Situated Vocabularies - re-framing participation with fragile communities" is the title of a hybrid event (exhibition + workshop activity) highlighting the “Vocabolario di Quartiere (Neighbourhood Vocabulary)”, a Participatory Design research project of the Politecnico di Milano developed within OFF CAMPUS Nolo located inside the Municipal Market of Viale Monza in the Nolo neighbourhood. “Vocabolario di Quartiere (Neighbourhood Vocabulary)” aims at co-creating a collection of shared meanings; by promoting conversations on the needs and potentials of Nolo; the project explores possible new situated design actions triggered and imagined by the community itself, with a specific focus on those marginalised voices of fragile communities (such as migrants, the elderly, women, children) that too often risk remaining unheard in participatory design processes. The Vocabulary comprises nine keywords: Space, Degradation, Common good, Sense of belonging, Memory, Change, Fun, Commitment, and Nolo. Starting from the experience of Nolo, the event will be an excellent opportunity to reflect on the work done so far, experience the process of community-making with the protagonists, and think about new frontiers to be opened in different contexts. On the one hand, the event will present the entire process by showing the work done on the first four vocabularies/podcasts (on the keywords Space, Degradation, Common Good, Sense of belonging) and the action scenarios they envisage; on the other hand, it will be scaled up and experimented for the first time on San Siro, involving a fragile group of women with a migration background.
BertO X Planet - Le 10 regole BertO sulla circolarità nel design contemporaneo
6-12 June, @ BertoStudio in LOM - Locanda Officina Monumentale, Via Ferraris 1, Milano (MM Cenisio)
Professors: Stefano Maffei, Patrizia Bolzan
EsposizioneArtisanal, digital and circular. Hence, the "O" of BertO becomes the starting point to produce a reflection on the circular transition as it relates to the craft production of upholstery. Thanks to the collaboration with Polifactory, makerspace and Fablab of the Politecnico di Milano, BertO has developed its Manifesto for Circularity. The result proposes 10 ingredients to design, produce and distribute innovative furniture products that fully respect nature and its cycles and with the full inclusion of people and their diversity.
Con la voce degli oggetti!
7 June from 3pm to 8pm.
Centro di Ricerca Gianfranco Ferrè, via Tortona 37 , 20144 Milano
Professor Paola Cordera
The VO Project will be launched at the Centro Ricerche Gianfranco Ferré, Via Tortona 37, Milan.
The VO Project is a tribute to an exceptional season of which the exhibition Italy at Work, Her Renaissance in Design Today was part and parcel.
The project will be presented by the project coordinator Paola Cordera and professors Giampiero Bosoni and Pietro C. Marani of the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano. Federica Vacca, the vice president of the Centro Ricerche Gianfranco Ferré, and professor at the Politecnico di Milano and Giovanni Battista Fadigati, president of the Este Ceramiche Porcellane Srl will also be present. Este Ceramiche Porcellane is a historic ceramics firm purchased in 1955 by Tuscan commissioner Giovanni Battista Giorgini. By 1951, Giorgini organized the first Italian fashion shows and exported Made in Italy items overseas.