Space and Design

We introduce the speech Professor Annalisa Dominoni gave in May in Jesolo, as part of the TEDx conference cycle.
Respecting the standards established by the TED foundation, TEDx are local events, organized independently, which today count over 14,000 initiatives in over 165 countries. Their mission is to host and offer a global stage to local thinkers and innovators, experts and professionals capable of inspiring with their vision.
During this edition the speakers presented their interpretation of space, telling about their personal, physical and mental spaces, through their experience and their critical vision.
Prof. Dominoni's speech is aimed at a less usual Space, far from our experience and perception, but which still needs to be understood and designed with respect and attention, with the purpose of increasing the well-being and sustainability of the personal and work spaces during the interplanetary missions.
Annalisa Dominioni introduces a new space station concept, developed in 2019 and commissioned by Thales Alenia Spazio. Combining science, technology and design, in full "Made in Italy" style, for the first time an entire habitable module dedicated to the entertainment of astronauts has been introduced. It promotes the sensitive environment in Space, in which the choice of light, materials, coatings, as well as the control of sound and temperature, contribute to increasing the quality of life on board during missions and, consequently, the performance of the station occupants.
Annalisa Dominoni, PhD, architect and designer, is the leading expert in architecture and design for space and extreme environments. She is a researcher and professor of the Department and School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano where, in 2017, together with Benedetto Quaquaro, she created the first and only course in architecture and spatial design in the world, Space4InspirAction, recognized and supported by the European Space Agency.