Yacht & Vessel Design Research Lab

Yacht & Vessel Design Research Lab

YVD is a multidisciplinary research group dealing with Yacht and Vessel Design, Naval Architecture, Interior Design and Nautical Process Technologies involving the Departments of Design, DMEC and DIG, and actively collaborating with the Departments DAER, DMIC, ABC and DASTU.
Its research activities cover various fields of application, from exterior design to nautical and marine interior design, from aero-hydro dynamics to alternative propulsion systems, from construction materials and production processes to business models and circularity. The work of the research group is based on four main research pillars that reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the researchers involved: sustainability, technology, digital innovation and knowledge management.
Recent research activities include work on:
- Yacht Design for Social-Tech & Sustainability
- Yacht Industry 4.0 and Yacht Digital Tech Forecasting
- Smart and Living Materials for Yacht Applications
- Smart yacht & Digital Knowledge Management
- Digital Technology and sustainability for Cruising Vessel Design
- Hydrogen-based and alternative fuel ship design
- Sustainable Antifouling Solutions e Biocoatings
- Bio-based composites
- Yacht Design for disassembly and GRP upcycling
- Additive Manufacturing for flexible customization
- Ecosystemic knowledge management
- Design 4 Yacht Flexible Customization
The members of the team are involved in various teaching activities at undergraduate (Course in Interior Yacht Design) and Master's level (LM Interior - Yacht and Flexible Dwelling, LM Mechanical Engineering), as well as Master's and postgraduate specialisation courses (Master in Yacht Design and Course in Executive Interior Yacht Design).
Finally, the research group manages the Polimi Sailing Team, which since 2008 has brought together students from all schools of Politecnico di Milano to compete in international challenges in sustainable boat design and construction, such as the "1001vela cup", the "YCM energy Boat challenge" and the "SuMoth Challenge".
Research projects
e-SHyIPS. Ecosystem Knowledge in standards for hydrogen implementation on passenger ship
Project detailsTambali Fii. Let's start from here
Project detailsNUVOLE. NUovi processi Volti alla costruzione di Oggetti Leggeri ed Ergonomici in composito e titanio
Project detailsICS_Materials. Future visions and methods to design interactive, connected and smart materials.
Project details