Digital Diorama
Website's Project
Innovative fruition of diorama from Natural History Museums, through digital portrayals, in schools and public workstations.
Objectives: National Project for scientific culture dissemination, through a didactic methodology and a tool for teaching scientific subjects in an emotional and immersive matter.
With the Digital Diorama project we intend to spread the knowledge of dioramas found in Natural History Museums, both as true works of art and as representations of natural environments that not everyone knows. Not a secondary objective is to suggest ways of thinking about life and some of its characteristics that are not always highlighted in school and in the media.
A fundamental aspect, moreover, is to visit the elements of the diorama making, where possible, a clear reference to everyday life. A contribution to what is called sense of space, in which actions in everyday life (the cat is a predator, like tigers and lions) or concepts (we filter tea as animals filter water) are easily recognized as such and associated with the elements of the Digital Diorama.
Knowing living things thus becomes an integral, cultural part of the basic knowledge necessary for a growing culture: not only in schools, but also for a continuous updating of interested adults.