





Regine di Periferia. Ecologia drag nei quartieri

Website's Project







Regine di Periferia. Ecologia drag nei quartieri

Website's Project

The project, carried out by Nina’s Drag Queens company in partnership with Teatro Fontana, involves three suburban neighborhoods in Milan (Baggio, Chiesa Rossa, and Gallaratese). In each neighborhood, a participatory series of activities was developed with the goal of encouraging reflection on the relationship between gender diversity, queerness, ecology, and territorial regeneration. The aim was to foster awareness, dialogue, and participation on these themes in a collaborative exchange where all elements were developed in synergy with other local organizations involved.

Following an initial phase of listening and meetings, supported by local groups to understand the cultural, territorial, and social aspects of the intervention areas, each neighborhood hosted a free program of activities open to the public, including:

  • Nature and Transformation: Two workshops on ecological practices for caring for and reclaiming public spaces, curated by Associazione Argot.
  • What Is This Queer?: A workshop on themes related to queerness, gender, the body, and identity, curated by Nina’s Drag Queens.
  • Plural Public Space: Two co-design and co-construction workshops, curated by POLIMI DESIS Lab.
  • Four performances of the itinerant public space show Botanica Queer, curated by Nina’s Drag Queens.
  • A final event in the transformed space, featuring the co-designed and co-constructed setup, including an afternoon drag theater workshop that concluded with a brief evening performance. This was part of an outdoor dance celebration in the public space of the neighborhood.

The workshops led by POLIMI DESIS Lab specifically explored possible answers to the questions:

How many diverse lives, including non-human ones, coexist in the spaces of this neighborhood?

What would public spaces look like if they were designed collaboratively, considering the needs and desires of everyone?

Future scenarios for the three neighborhoods were co-designed, embracing the diversity of human and non-human bodies and subjectivities to map and reimagine the public spaces in the intervention areas: Piazzale Fabio Chiesa “La Piana” in Chiesa Rossa, Baggio Park, and the area around Cascina Cotica in Gallaratese. Participants collectively reflected on the individual and shared needs of those public spaces. Through role-playing activities, they mapped, designed, and prototyped temporary spatial installations aimed at inspiring new uses and behaviors within these areas.

Research groups