Bonilla Berrocal Beatriz
Bonilla Berrocal Beatriz
PhD Candidate in Design at the Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano. Her research focuses on evaluating and monitoring Design for Social Innovation initiatives within SMEs in Italy, with an emphasis on participatory and creative approaches. Her main interests lie in developing strategies and leading initiatives that drive positive change for businesses and communities through design practice.
She is a member of the Polimi DESIS Lab within the international DESIS Network (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability). She is part of the PNRR "Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile" project, specifically Spoke 2, "Eco-Design Strategies: From Materials to Product Service Systems – PSS," which provides funding for her doctoral scholarship.
Over the years, she has held roles as a teaching assistant and guest lecturer at various academic institutions across Latin America and Europe. In Colombia, she collaborated in the bachelor’s program in Industrial Design at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. In Italy, she has been a teaching assistant for the Master of Science in PSSD at Politecnico di Milano and for the Master's Degree in Innovation and Technology Management at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. She has been a guest lecturer in the Specializing Master's Degree in Design for Kids & Toys at POLI.design.
Recently, she began a position as a Visiting Researcher at Lancaster University, collaborating on research activities with Imagination Lancaster and the Lancaster Evaluation Group to deepen her doctoral research. She is collaborating as a guest lecturer in the Advanced Design Interactions course, part of the BA Degree in Design at Lancaster University.
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