Carella Gianluca
Post doc fellow
Carella Gianluca
Post doc fellow
PhD in Design, with a background in Product Service System Design and Management Engineering. His research is focusing on how design can support companies in creating innovation, understanding how to overcome the barriers that companies may face in adopting design thinking. At the same time, he is working on projects that deal with entrepreneurship, supporting start-ups in combining the design and the business binomial, and understanding the role of design inside technology start-ups. Actually, he is collaborating with the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano where he is working as designer and researcher involved in European research projects (Horizon 2020, Interreg, Erasmus+). His main streams of research are Design Thinking, Strategic Design, Service Design, Design Management and Entrepreneurship. In the last years, Gianluca is teaching subjects related to his research activity in the School of Design – Politecnico di Milano, in POLI.Design Consortium and in GSOM (POLIMI - Graduate School of Management)
Research groups
Design+Strategies (D+S)
Group details
Research projects
Metodo costruttivo in acciaio per soluzioni industriali e residenziali"
Project detailsCREA Summer Academy
Project details