Strategic (Multiform) Design - The wide spectrum of applications of Strategic Design

The book Strategic (Multiform) Design. The wide spectrum of applications of Strategic Design edited by Gianluca Carella and Francesco Zurlo, with contributions on the subject from various colleagues, has been published in the Politecnica series by Maggioli Editore.
What is strategic design?
What are the benefits it can offer?
What are the different contexts in which it can be applied?
From an academic point of view, the concept of Strategic Design originated at Politecnico di Milano and developed over time thanks to various beneficial events that supported its definition and use. Over time, the subject has undergone a process of consolidation that has included the systematisation of practices, procedures and tools. These developments have been closely linked to a systemic vision that is part of Strategic Design itself. Strategic Design promotes innovation that respects not only people, but also the environment and businesses. People, Profit, Planet is a succinct but powerful slogan that expresses this vision and guides the activities of Strategic Design. Practicing systemic thinking is not easy: it means stepping out of one's comfort zone to explore the unknown that the super-complexity of today's problems entails. This systemic perspective is characterised by an elastic and adaptable mind, which requires continuous training to accept (again) the circularity between the big picture and the finer details. In a context, including a corporate one, in which environmental and social issues are becoming increasingly relevant (in the ESG formula: environmental, social, governance), design thus seems to revitalise its strategic contribution thanks to this systemic approach.
Strategic (Multiform) Design is an essential knowledge base for academics and practitioners interested in understanding the different benefits of Strategic Design and the different contexts in which it can play a role. The aim is to help people broaden their understanding of the subject and their perception of the value of Strategic Design.
The book presentation will take place on 28 January at 6.30 pm at the ADI Design Museum, Piazza Compasso d'Oro, 1.