

The KD.KnitDesign.Polimi research group is involved in research and teaching projects in the field of knitting.
Since 2008, KD.KnitDesign.Polimi has been carrying out research projects in the field of the technical improvement of handicrafts, the production of textile products for clothing and home accessories using manual machines, and technological innovation in relation to the programming of industrial machines.
It deals with the application of natural materials, man-made and bio-based fibres for the generation of products for industry, with a focus on sustainability.
The research group carries out several teaching projects at different levels and coordinates the final synthesis laboratory of the third year of the Fashion Design course, one of the three fashion design specialisations offered by the School of Design.
KnitDesign.Polimi is also involved in the organisation of workshops and short courses and, in collaboration with leading companies in the sector, is involved in a number of university masters courses for the development of projects ranging from the creation of a clothing collection to the experimental application of innovative fibres and materials.
Research projects
Con/text. A digital ecosystem to connect textile-knitwear manufacturing with future design talent
Project details