WISH MI. Wellbeing Integrated System of Milan
Website's Project
WISH MI. Wellbeing Integrated System of Milan
Website's Project
It takes a village to raise a child but more important, it takes children to make a village. CDM seeks to envision new opportunities to ensure that no one is left behind as the City continues to grow by increasing social cohesion, building vibrant communities, and reducing educational and economic disparities.
Recognizing our youth (0-18yrs) as the main players of Milan today, we will build the Wellbeing Integrated System of Milan(WISH MI) that will support all of our 225,000 minors in the midst of the aforementioned challenges facing our city.
WISH MI will achieve this by: creating a more integrated and holistic framework among City departments and community-based service providers to promote the successful development of all minors. Recognizing and empowering its youth to play an integral part in shaping Milan future through proactive listening methodologies and co-designing programs. Building new easyto-navigate engaging digital pathway to services, which will provide youth access to well-being opportunities, and utilize tools to incentivize positive real-world behaviors, such as gamification.
Building local community hubs, which serve as innovative “playgrounds” where all players of the community can interact and co-produce, find and offer tailored opportunities. WISH MI will result in a City where communities have greater access to and take advantage of City services, as well as a City with a strong social fabric in which all community members feel included and supported.
Research groups
Dcom + Dcom AI Lab
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