Selloni Daniela
Associate Professor
Selloni Daniela
Associate Professor
Daniela Selloni works on service design and social innovation, more specifically her research focuses on methods and tools of co-design and how collaboration can be experimented in public and private organizations.
She is a member of POLIMI DESIS Lab (part of the international network DESIS, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) with which she has worked on numerous Italian and international research projects, dealing with design for local development, place making, sharing economy, public services and urban commons.
Another line of research concerns collaboration with private sector organizations, particularly applying co-design methods and tools to the area of human resources, more specifically to the employee engagement and learning and development topics.
She has also participated as expert in service design in numerous startup incubation programmes to create social and/or cultural innovation.
She teaches at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano and in various masters of POLI.design and she has been invited lecturer and key-note speaker in other universities and design schools in Italy and abroad.
She began her research activity with “Creative Citizens”, a service co-design programme applied to the city of Milan, awarded the 2014 ADI Index and subject of various conferences and publications.
She is author of numerous publications and in particular of 3 international books: she is the author of "CoDesign For Public-Interest Services" and co-author of "Service Design For Urban Commons" and "Massive Codesign."
Research groups
Group details
Research projects
La Scuola dei Quartieri - The School of the Neighbourhoods
Project detailsSchool of Service Design and Social Innovation
Project detailsRe-value Rivalta
Project detailsVivi Calusca. Staging and designing collaborative services for neighbourhood reactivation
Project detailsHuman Cities. Challenging the City Scale
Project detailsCimulact. Citizen and Multi-Actor consultation on Horizon 2020
Project detailsNetwork for Visions. Una rete di saperi per la trasformazione urbana guidata dal design
Project details