Maramotti Maria


Maramotti Maria


PhD student in the Department of Design at the Politecnico di Milano (2024 – ongoing). Her research explores participatory practices to foster radical justice in marginalized urban spaces, emphasizing the role of community engagement in design processes.

She is part of the POLIMI DESIS Lab within the international DESIS Network (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) and collaborates with the interdepartmental research group Laboratorio Carcere.

She is involved in the participatory design research project "Situated Vocabularies", which is developed within the living labs "Off Campus Nolo" in the Nolo neighborhood (2019 – ongoing) and "Off Campus San Vittore" in Milan's San Vittore prison (2023 – ongoing). She has participated in research activities within the two Off Campuses on projects such as "OUT. Il Cortile Sociale"(2023 – ongoing), a participatory reactivation of an underutilized public space in the municipal market on Viale Monza 54, and "Storylab" (2023 – ongoing), a permanent participatory storytelling lab within the Young Adults section of San Vittore prison.

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