CoDesign4Transitions has officially completed the selection process
MSCA Doctoral Network programme

CoDesign4Transitions, the doctoral network funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network programme has officially completed the selection process.
The two positions offered by the Department of Design were awarded to Anna Filippi and Jia-Xin Liu.
Anna Filippi is a design professional with experience in academia and industry, working across both the private and public sectors. Her expertise lies at the intersection of strategy, research, and design, where she focuses on addressing systemic challenges.
Jia-Xin Liu is a designer specializing in human-centered and sustainable design. She has worked in the IT industry on sustainable municipal waste management projects, focusing on improving municipal services and reducing carbon emissions.
Their doctoral research will be supervised by Professors Marzia Mortati, Cabirio Cautela, Francesca Rizzo and Alessandro Deserti.
CoDesign4Transitions is a four-year doctoral network running from 2024 to 2028. The recruiting universities are based in seven countries (Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK) and will supervise a cohort of 13 transdisciplinary Doctoral Candidates (DCs). The project's network also includes 15 associated partners in business, government, and civil society organisations (CSOs), and one US university.