Il patrimonio vivente. Per un portale dell’architettura lombarda del XX e XXI secolo.
Website's Project
Il patrimonio vivente. Per un portale dell’architettura lombarda del XX e XXI secolo.
Website's Project
The aim of the project is the knowledge, the promotion and the valorization of the Lombard architecture of the second half of the twentieth century: our region offers a widespread heritage of buildings and districts that constitute an open-air museum of the design culture of the last century.
The results of the project are intended both for the general public and for the operators of the project that operate on the architecture of the second half of the twentieth century with works of functional adaptation (public administrations, designers, clients, companies).
In order to achieve these goals, the project proposes to extend, systematize and link together two research projects already started, in order to build an integrated system of easy accessibility and wide dissemination:
- the Census and cataloguing of the architecture of the second half of the 20th century in Lombardy, promoted in 2013 by the General Direction for Landscape, Fine Arts, Architecture and Contemporary Art and by the Regional Direction for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Lombardy in collaboration with the Lombardy Region and the Politecnico di Milano (500 works already catalogued)
- Census of the archives of the project promoted by the Soprintendenza Archivistica per la Lombardia, the Politecnico di Milano and the Centro di Alti Studi sulle Arti Visive del Comune di Milano, which ended with a printed publication in 2012 (178 archives surveyed).
The aim is not only to increase the number of works described, but above all to create a virtuous short-circuit between these architectures and the archives on the other hand to design logical interconnections, so as to implement and connect the already existing online databases and to design a new digital application for smartphones and tablets, also aimed at the construction of tourist itineraries.