Iannilli Valeria Maria
Full Professor
Iannilli Valeria Maria
Full Professor
Architect and Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Design Department. She is co-founder of the Fip – Fashion in Process Research Lab. She is a Faculty Member of the School of Design, where she is President of the Fashion Design Programs (Bachelor and MSc) and teaches Fashion Retail Experience (MSc) and Transmedia Storytelling in the Fashion industry (BS). She is expert of management of narrative processes as place of cultural exchange in “culture intensive” industries. Her research interests concern retail design processes as the expression of the identity of a company to promote the construction of an active dialogue with users’ communities. Her current research investigates the impact of digital transformation on the retailing experience by focusing her attention on omnichannel customer experience and the new Phygital concept and format.
Research groups
Group detailsRetail Experience Lab
Group details
Research projects
ResHaping made in ITAly (RHITA) Circular models for Italian fashion heritage and manufactures through digital inclusivity and conscious innovation
Project detailsMUSA Spoke 5 - Sustainable Design-Driven Retail and Service Model
Project detailsMUSA Spoke 3 – Living Lab Textile “Too Cool to Go Wasted”
Project detailsFoReSeE. Forecasting Retail Service Experience
Project detailsDigiMooD for CCI. Digital Module of Didactics for Cultural and Creative Industry
Project detailsBeMyPlace. Interactive Environments and Responsive Design Objects
Project detailsHumanitiesDesign Lab
Project details
Magazine articles