Colombi Chiara
Associate Professor
Colombi Chiara
Associate Professor
Research groups
Research projects
ekip. European Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Policy Platform
Project detailsMUSA Spoke 3 – Living Lab Textile “Too Cool to Go Wasted”
Project detailsTender Worth II. Boosting competitiveness and innovation capacity of SMEs through creative partnerships and the use of new technologies Worth Partnership II
Project detailsFashion SEEDS. Fashion Societal, Economic & Environmental Design-led Sustainability
Project detailsDeFINE. Developing a Fashion-Tech Innovation Network for Europe
Project detailsEdu4FT. Education for Fashion Tech: Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Fashion in the Digital Era
Project detailsBeMyPlace. Interactive Environments and Responsive Design Objects
Project detailsHumanitiesDesign Lab
Project details
Magazine articles